Friday, October 29, 2010

You must have clicked the wrong link to get here

Hello and welcome to my first ever, blog.  Who am I?  Who fucking cares?!  How many b-holes out there review crap under an anonymous name and get props for it?  Really...I am asking......anyone there?  Well, I'm sure there are a lot, so what is one more 37 year old man-boy going to hurt? 

All you really need to know about me for the purposes of reading my highly entertaining take on things, is that I am:
-A lifelong Star Wars/Superhero/GI Joe/He-Man type of nerd
-A drummer in a pretty successful local cover-band
-I have more TV watching hours logged than anyone in my family combined.
-Have been playing video games most of my life....arcades/Pong/Radio Shack Tandy TRS-80 (now THAT is old-school, my friends).  Now a loyal PS3 owner

A few things to get out of the way....

My spelling and grammar suck. 
When I am writing, I tend to go full force creatively and do not always adhere to the "traditional" rules of grammar (those were really just suggestions though, weren't they??).  I think if I were to think too much about it, I may obsess over it and then the content will suffer.  And this is VERY important stuff I will be writing about.  So, hopefully that was a preemptive strike on all of you spelling Nazi's out there. 

Your feedback/comments are welcome, but I probably won't agree with you
I have decided, just on principle...that none of you know what the hell you are talking about. 

Gotta get my groove on
So, you have by now figured out that I am no writer by any means.  I dabbled in short stories in my teen years, mostly sci-fi stories that I blatantly ripped off of others stories I had read.   So, it may take me a few of these before I find the "voice" I am looking for. 

Anyway, that's enough apologies for something I havent even done yet.  If anyone even reads this it will be an effing miracle.

This concludes my first blog.  I assure you I will strive for excellence moving forward.....