Monday, November 1, 2010

“Fallout – New Vegas” Review

Ok, I’m not going to beat around the bush on this one….SUCKED!  Let me start off by saying that I am not a Fallout franchise fan, only because the game never really appealed to me.  So, when I saw a copy of the game at Blockbuster the day it was released, I decided to give it a shot.
The game starts off with your character being shot and almost killed.  Talk about a bummer way to start a game?!?  Anyway, you are revived by a Dr and then are able to do character customizations.  This includes your look, your attributes and other special skills.  At one point you are asked by the Dr. to answer some pretty random psychological questions.  I guess these are designed to predetermine what your abilities should be in comparison to some kind of template.  Anyhoo, I didn’t like how mine ended up, so I manually changed my scores (does that mean I don’t like myself??)
After this tedious process, ( and I warn you, I will be saying the shit out of the word “tedious” during this review) you are then able to walk out into the town where the story begins…..
Now I don’t know about you people, but when I have a gun and I see some no-name character walking around aimlessly in a game, I tend to shoot them.  Well, I suggest you avoid that in this game.  After I shot some random townsperson once, anywhere I went in the town I was immediately gunned downed at first site.  And the thing that really sucks is they have far superior fire-power!!  Even with my difficulty set to the lowest setting possible (I do this for new games until I get the hang of it), I could not get away from being shot and killed every time I would respawn. 
Now I can hear what some of you might be saying….”it’s more realistic that way, if you entered a small western-type of town and shot at someone, that is what would happen”.  “Well fuck you, buddy” is my response!   I get that there should be consequences for my actions, but dammit I should be able to catch a break at the beginning of the friggin game!!!  Anyway, I finally found a way to get away from the angry mob  and run out of town which reset my standing.  How fast they forget….
Mind you, all of this was in the span of a single hour of game play.  The running around is…what’s the word….tedious?   Yeah, that’s it. 
So, I continued with the story mode, and found quickly that I hate interactive dialogue in a game released in 2010.  Hey it was fun back on the old IBM in 1987, but come on!  If I want text-based adventure games, I will play “Zork” or “Pirate Adventure”!!!  Well, I found that every major character you meet in this game will require 5-10 minutes of clicking on questions and answers…..UGH.
Next, more running with your guide.  You meet some chick who teaches you how to survive in  the Fallout world.  Not sure why every destination needs to be so far away for training, but be prepared to do some (what’s the word?) tedious running all over the town perimeter. 
As I was running, I noticed every 20 seconds or so, the screen would glitch.   I thought maybe it was something with my rig so I eventually restarted the PS3 and restarted my game.  For one, the glitch did NOT go away.  Secondly, even after I saved my spot I was put back in the “Saloon” and had to begin my training from scratch….WTF?!?!?!
At this point I was already losing my patience with this game and I hadn't even begun the real storyline.  Not a good sign…..
So, I went ahead and restarted the training process and then guess what happens.   The entire game locks up on me!!!!!!!!  I had definitely had enough at this point and turned the damn thing off. 
Found this on YouTube, so I know it wasnt just me:
So, while my review is incomplete…I feel that if I do not like a game after playing for more than an hour, and never even scratched the surface of any real storyline… will get returned a day early to Blockbuster.  
I don’t always have time to play games like I used to, so I want my gratification to be pretty instantaneous.  I know..I ask too much…
Anyhoo…I rate this game as being “Radioactive – Avoid all Contact”

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